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What is Solana’s Max supply?

Solana does not have a fixed max supply of SOL. Instead, what is fixed is the inflation rate YOY. The current total supply is 526,996,797 SOL, with a circulating supply of 348,837,796 SOL as of July 2022 (via Solana ). When the Solana network first launched, it had an initial total supply of 500,000,000 SOL.

Is there an upper limit on Solana?

However, as Solana notes, this is an “upper limit on the amount of SOL issued via inflation”, as it does not account for the destruction, or burning, of any SOL. Does Solana have a burn rate? Since Solana is not a deflationary token, the supply of SOL is growing at a predetermined rate.

How many Sol does Solana have?

However, the Solana Foundation previously burned 11 million SOL. This reduced the total supply down to around 488,000,000 SOL. While 488,000,000 SOL is often touted as the Solana max supply, its inflation schedule shows this is not the case. With new SOL rewarded as Solana staking yield, Solana’s initial inflation is at 8%.

Does Solana (Sol) have a burn rate?

Does Solana have a burn rate? Since Solana is not a deflationary token, the supply of SOL is growing at a predetermined rate. Solana is built on a new inflation model which adheres to three parameter to maintain its equilibrium A final/long-term inflation rate.

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